Friday, October 23, 2020

What Are The Most Common Window Cracks and How Can You Fix Them?

So, you must have come across the large running crack on your glass. But do you really know how or why that happened? Or what led your glass to shatter or break? Let’s find out. 

Even when the window is not struck, glass can crack. Glass tends to act as an elastic surface and tends to bend away when an initial force is applied. When the force increases at the point where the power increments past its tensile strength, it cracks.

First and foremost, it is essential to acknowledge the kind of crack one deals with. Generally, depending on the type of crack, one can make the decision of whether to change the entire glass or repair the damaged part. Let’s read on to learn more about the 3 kinds of cracks and what we can do about them.

Stress Cracks

The most common and inexplicable cause for cracks is ‘stress.’ Often referred to as thermal cracks, these kinds of cracks occur due to the change in temperature of the glass between the shaded and unshaded regions. It can also occur due to the simple change in the weather conditions prevalent outside. Such cracks, when left unattended, tend to spread and expand over time, making your tiny crack look big and grotesque. 

Okay, now think of this: If you happened to drop an ice cube into a hot pan, what would happen? It would obviously crack! In the same way, a cold window, when exposed to any heated element, would expand beyond its capacity and eventually crack.

Another reason for stress cracks can also be closing your door or window too vigorously. Unless you really want to spend some good money to change or repair your glass, continue to treat your home windows with care! 

Impact Cracks

Such kind of cracks occurs in a starburst pattern radiating from the central point and forming lines around the circumference. When someone hits a window making direct and immediate contact with it, this kind of crack is the first that comes to mind. Striking of a baseball bat against the glass, a bird hitting the window, a ball is thrown straight at the window, or even hail can be possible ways of formation of such a crack. 

From the name itself, such a crack clearly occurs when a big ‘impact’ is made on the glass due to a large form of a force applied to it. Proper precaution must be taken up for such cracks as it can get a tad bit messy! Since the impact of these cracks is generally big, it is best advised to completely replace them with a new glass rather than spending on getting such cracks fixed. 

Pressure Cracks

Pressure cracks are not the most common or normal kind of cracks, and they generally show up all of a sudden. Such cracks typically structure on a double sheet or paned windows or on insulated glass. They are brought about by an uncommon weight framework or commonly due to drastic pressure changes brought about by the climate. 

Installing the windows at an excessively high or too low height level can likewise build the danger of pressure cracks. Since these cracks generally take the shape of an hourglass, they can’t hold the pressure of such dramatic shifts and hence tend to crack. 

In almost all cases of pressure cracks, it is highly recommended to change the entire glasswork rather than repairing the glass. 

Can I prevent window cracks?

So far, this must be a big question in your head. Can you prevent window cracks? 

Well, the answer to this would be yes and no. Yes, you can prevent by taking good care of your house glass and making sure you don’t slam your windows or doors. But also, no, because eventually, glass is tended to break as stress cracks are a normally happening consequence of extending and contracting glass because of temperature changes.  

In existing homes, introducing thicker, more grounded substitution sheets of glass can help forestall pressure splits. Not only pressure or stress when glass becomes old, but it also isn’t durable enough to stand any load or any amount of temperature. 

So now the big question lies – ‘How can I fix a cracked window?’ 

There are both temporary as well as permanent solutions to this question. Let’s take a quick look at both these techniques and when to best use them. 

Temporary hacks to fix that broken window crack! 

Sometimes repairing the entire window permanently can not only prick those pockets of yours but also it may not entirely be the necessary solution. There are always ways around a particular solution, and these temporary techniques for fixing that broken window glass of yours may be just the thing you need right now.

Using masking tape on both sides 

Masking tape or paper tape is one of the easiest techniques to temporarily keep that broken crack intact. Cut two large pieces of tape and cover the crack on both sides of the window. This will prevent the crack from further cracking.

Using a layer of transparent nail polish 

If the crack is small, you can paint the holes or cracks with a layer of transparent nail polish. The clear nail polish acts as a neat coat over the crack making the small holes invisible. However, this method is not recommended for any big damage. 

Using glass adhesives 

These are adhesives that are typically advertised for the purpose of fixing car windshields and other broken glass. They commonly include epoxy, acrylic structural adhesive, etc. 

Clean the crack or damage thoroughly, followed with the flushing out of any expected garbage with an eyedropper before applying tape to the rear of the split. This will shield the adhesive from spilling out the contrary side of the window. Utilizing a needle or brush, apply the adhesive to the split and permit it to dry totally before you eliminate the tape.

Using a thick plastic cover

This is the most effective way of a temporary fix. It not only acts as a proper cover, but it also helps in keeping away any bugs and flies from entering from that crack. 

All you need to do is cut out pieces of plastic, enough to cover the crack, from any old plastic junk such as a bag, some old plastic curtains, etc. Seal the plastic to the cracked surface and the window using duct tape or any other available adhesive. 

If in case you don’t find a large enough chunk of plastic, you can also use a piece of fabric. Not only is fabric eco-friendly, but also it acts as the perfect way to fix up that broken crack temporarily. Cut out a piece of fabric from any old cloth piece or material and seal it using an adhesive or a duct tape to the side of the window covering the cracked portion.  

Now that we’ve covered up the temporary fixes let’s move on to seal the real deal on how you can permanently fix that broken glass window!

Permanent techniques to repair that broken glass window

Removing the entire broken window pane and replacing it with a new glass is the wisest technique to change that broken glass. Here’s how you can do so step-by-step:

  1. Remove the broken glass; make sure you are wearing all safety measures such as gloves, masks, and other equipment.
  2. Unscrew the nails and use sandpaper to scrape and scrub the area from where you pulled the broken glass.
  3. Purchase a new glass of the same width and length. Apply putty in the corners around the frame and place the new glass piece in the pane. 
  4. Screw back those nails and smoothen the putty and let it dry. 

Another permanent solution is to use a solvent-based adhesive. Dissolvable based adhesives like epoxy can be utilized as a sealant for broken glass windows. It’s a fantastic method to keep the glass flawless and forestall. Further harm for a critical time while you’re hanging tight for substitution. To fix a window glass with epoxy, these are few simple steps you can follow: 

  1. Use liquid dishwashing soap and clean the entire glass with a cotton cloth or rag. Make sure to remove all those fingerprints and any oil stains or any dust formulated on the glass.
  2. Make a blend of two-section epoxy by consolidating the hardener and the sap. With the help of a toothpick or stick, stir the potion in a disposable container. 
  3. With the help of a putty knife, neatly apply the potion on the cracked areas to fill it up. Make sure to let it dry off for a few minutes. Then, using cotton and some acetone, remove the excess liquid.
  4. Lastly, polish the glass with a cleaner and a clean piece of cloth. Then, you’re all done and good to go with your new, fresh, and sparkly crack-free glass.

The post What Are The Most Common Window Cracks and How Can You Fix Them? appeared first on Crafty Club.

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